It is located in the town of Astigarraga, along St. James’ Way, just 750 metres from Santiago Chapel on the Santiagomendi hilltop.
A spectacular spot surrounded by mountains facing the Urumea Valley, in the cider-producing area and 7 Km from San Sebastian, approximately 10 minutes by car.
In the surrounding area there are a good number of cider houses and restaurantswhere you can enjoy the well-known and well-appreciated Basque cuisine and the traditional cider house menus.
You can see the location of some of the cider houses around us in the following map.
GPS Coordinates
Lat: 43.27035
Lon: -1.94016
If you want to see the directions of google to get to Kaxkarre you can click the following button that will open the map in a new window where you can indicate your starting point and see the route
How to arrive